Friday, July 10, 2009

things you should always here part 1

you have automatic beauty.....

i love you.....

i like your smile....

you should maybe rethink those shorts.....

Monday, July 6, 2009

celebReality project

i have recently been spending my newly graduated life...on a couch... or painting. when i find myself on the couch ..... i usually turn on anthony's idiot box. i have come to realize.... its all reality television. people who might be a little quirkier than the next on this 20 something inch screen... broadcasting themselves for the world. recently or actually for the past year....this record label guy... he will be dubbed as not mickey rourke. has been trying to follwo robin and i around with cameras. we recently accepted. we will see how that turns out. i'm jsut so intrigued by the idea of letting someone into your life or even putting yourself in a mansion shapped cage to be prodded into a character. can anyone every be themselves with all the lights, cameras, and editing room floor boxing you in. whether your a dating show, documenting your family, working a deadly job, or even just trying to be the next big talent.... o h yes hurricane asking you too...hahahaha

who knows?

but i'm intrigued so i have started emailing, social network siting, yada yada yada.... questions to these celebReality stars.....well actually just this one question....

i give them the whole spill....yada yada yada... for art sake...

but the question is ....

what do you think reality is?

i am recording all the emails, dates, and responses or lack their off.....

than the following month i will be contacting and asking on the streets the same questions.... lets see how it goes... i will keep you updated on the blog....